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E.M.B.R.A.C.E running in 2019- seven prerequisites to great performance

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

EMBRACE running performance tips

E.M.B.R.A.C.E running in 2019 with our embrace performance acronym. Over the next few days we will explore each of these essential ingredients in turn to help you maximize your training and performance this year. Please like, follow and share so that we can help each other cross that finish line.


If fuel intake is insufficient relative to energy expenditure, bone health, immunity, protein synthesis, psychological health, menstrual function and metabolism may be compromised. This is known as Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S). Most of us are pretty good at staying well fuelled, but if your training intensity and volume are high- make sure your caloric intake meets that demand. If you are training at a light / moderate level and are restricting calories to lose a bit of weight- it is important that you maintain a good protein intake and incorporate strengthening to minimize any loss in lean muscle mass.

Nutrition balance in running



When you have a running injury/ niggle, it is often not sufficient to simply rest/ tape/ massage and then return to normal training as it feels better. Appropriate exercise therapy should be considered to optimize tissue repair. This is called mechanotherapy and it is the process by which cells in muscle, tendon, bone and articular cartilage convert physiological stimuli into biochemical responses to promote healing and repair. You can read more about this in our blog on why exercise therapy is THE most important part of treatment and Achilles tendon pain


This is the ability to effectively generate, use and absorb forces to provide forward motion in running. Suboptimal biomechanics will mean that efficient load transfer is lost and can increase risk of overuse injuries. In running this is examined looking at joint position at different phases of running gait (stance and swing). Movement, forces and muscle action will be considered. Biomechanics change in masters runners- see our masters runners blog


Optimal recovery is critical to performance. This is the time during which our bodies adapt to a training stimulus. If recovery is insufficient we attenuate that adaptation and can increase injury risk. Optimal nutrition and sufficient sleep are critical to this. Check out “why we sleep” by Matthew Walker, which really drives home the importance of sleep - if you are sacrificing sleep to complete workouts think again.


Set yourself up for success. S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal setting (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, Exciting and Recorded) can aid motivation and promote consistency in the short and long term. Being consistent is key.


Aka endurance or fitness training. This means providing the correct stimulus for adaptation, avoiding burnout or injury. Acute and chronic workloads should be considered by looking at training volume (time) and intensity (rate of perceived exertion) over a specified week vs. the previous few weeks/ months.

Strength training should also be performed under appropriately heavy loads. The correct dose increases the capacity of bones, muscles and tendon to tolerate running loads (approximately 6 times body weight). In doing so it reduces injury risk and improves performance.


Last of all, enjoyment. This is a sport we choose to do and has tremendous physiological and psychological benefits. If you are starting to tire of a program or routine, keep it fresh by adding variety.

Blog by clinic director Zoe Orpwood- Browne

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